EVENT Magazine

There are presently no open calls for submissions.

For over 50 years, EVENT has published the very best in contemporary new poetry and prose. We are one of Western Canada’s longest-running literary magazines, and welcome submissions written in English from around the world. Each issue of EVENT includes high quality fiction, poetry, non-fiction and book  reviews, and we feature emerging and established writers side-by-side in  our pages. Visit www.eventmagazine.ca

Submission Periods



Submission periods will close on the last day of the month, or when our allowable unpaid submission limit is reached (whichever comes first). 

What We’re Looking For

Fiction: Whether you’ve never published before, or you’ve published seven novels, we’re looking for the same thing: compelling characters, plots that surprise us, narratives that move  us, stories that have something new to say. 

Poetry: We love poems that are lyrical without being  overwrought, and are profound without being pretentious. We look for honesty of emotion, and images that arrest us. 

Non-Fiction: The creative non-fiction we publish mainly comes through our annual Non-Fiction Contest due to limited page space. We are looking for real-life experiences told as riveting narratives  with distinct voices. We publish essays that feel artful and true. 

Currently we are not accepting general submissions of non-fiction. The 2025 Non-Fiction Contest will be open to entries April 1 - October 15, 2025.

Your best bet at getting your work published in EVENT is by reading some of our issues. Find the current issue at Chapters/Indigo, libraries or local newsstands; subscriptions and single issues in print or digital format can also be purchased online or through our office.

The Details:

  • We will consider only ONE submission at a time, in one genre. Once you have received a response from us, you are free to submit another piece of writing. 
  • However, writers with manuscripts currently under submission are permitted to submit to our annual Non-Fiction Contest.
  • Writers may only appear in EVENT once every two years, with the exception of Reviews and Notes on Writing.
  • Simultaneous submissions are fine, but please advise us immediately should a piece under consideration be accepted elsewhere.
  • We review every manuscript we receive. During high volume periods, responses may take up to six months.
  • Submissions must be entirely human-created. We do not accept work that was written, developed or assisted in any capacity by artificial intelligence (AI) tools such as ChatGPT.
  • Please review our Editorial Policy for rights, payment policies and additional details.
  • See the individual categories below for more specific details about submitting.

Reading Service for Writers 

If your manuscript needs another eye, try EVENT’s Reading Service for Writers.  Manuscripts will be edited by one of EVENT’s experienced editors and  receive an assessment of 700-1000 words detailing strengths and  weaknesses, and providing recommendations for revision. All manuscripts submitted will also be considered for publication

EVENT Magazine